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Generational Clearing

Free Your Ancestors - Liberate Yourself

Once within our family line there was purity and truth, through the generations this was lost.

Within this workshop you will not only reclaim your power back but that also of your ancestors once again, your true origins. Everything is energy and it is a matter of clearing and transforming the energies back to light. Therefore taking your ancestral line out of the dark and into the light.


Transformation of the self comes from within. The soft and gentle Avalon, which humans call it today, energies with which Sharon carries within her, will help you bring forth the new you ancestral line.

The big question is, are you ready for change?


In the ancient teachings of Avalon, before a child was born, the knowledge of who that child was, what their unique gifts were and what they experienced on the planet in their previous lives was known.

This served as a foundation to help the child fulfill their identity and purpose in their next physical life.

It is the connection between these two worlds that Sharon works within.


Many of us carry trauma which has been accumulated over generations, causing us to be disconnected from our true selves and nature

In this unique workshop you will find out where the trauma started within the family line and clear it, so you can connect with and start expressing who you are deep down.


Humans today have forgotten how to help our loved ones truly cross over to the other side, many of them are held back by pain which then keeps being passed on to the descendants that are living today.


The energies on Earth are at this time supporting the living to clear this on a mass scale.

You will learn tools to help release the deceased so they can move on. Doing this work at such a deep level, will allow access to a higher vibrational awareness.


This is an intense 2 day workshop. No one can do this work for you, it is your journey alone, as only you know your story and that of your families. 

We will be going deep within to free not only the deceased but also ourselves and most importantly the future generations, our children.


What will you experience?


Many people carry feelings of sadness, shame, anger... which they cannot trace to any personal experience.

Once they connect with their ancestors they realize that indeed this pain is not their own, nor is it relevant to their current lifetime. It is then possible to clear it out of the family line.

This includes generational trauma due to physical, mental or sexual abuse. You will go 10 generations back and in some cases some have gone back 18 generations, there is no rule on the how far back the lineage can go, each case is individual.  The furthest one client has gone back has been 35 generations, it is all achievable under Sharon's guidance.


Going further back, you will also find the particular gift that your ancestral line carries.

For example one young lady found that her female line are weavers who weave communities, people and energy together. She now understands why she is drawn to this kind of energy and is enjoying and benefiting from this positive part of her ancestral line.

There is no one rule to what you will be able to experience, everyone has a different story. 

In this workshop you will be in a safe place and supported in processing whatever comes up.


What will you gain?


In one word: FREEDOM.

In another word, STABILITY.

TECHNIQUES to continue working on your own personal growth.


You will gain confidence in who you truly are. You will be able to, from a strong and grounded place and using your inner knowing, face the challenges of an ever faster changing world, without compromising the integrity and independence of your ancestors.

We all have something to offer this lifetime and gaining the autonomy to do so unhindered is the ultimate aim of this workshop.

This is Level 1, a certificate will be issued at the end of the workshop. This certificate allows you to work within your family line only.  If you wish to join the coach program so you may offer this technique for your clients please contact me directly, Leve 1 is a pre-requisition before becoming a certified coach.

Level 2 is a Certified coach/mentor to work one on one with their own individual clients, giving you permission to use the technique within your own coaching business.  

Of course first we need to do the work for ourselves, Sharon has done this and through her life experience creating this program to help all on the planet today. 

If you would like to know more about Sharon and her work visit her website.


Program Outline

Days One and Two

Diving deep into first your Mother’s line, then your Father’s line.

(If you are adopted both the biological and the adopted lines are addressed)

Clearing the physical body of trauma.

DNA meditation, healing. 

Releasing the Ancestors, ceremony.                         

You will receive a certificate at the end of the workshop.




The Interview with Fabian Strumpf, about

Generational Clearing and how the technique was created. 

English and German translation.

We hope you enjoy.

Comments (14)

25 de mar. de 2024

Sharon thank you so much for this great interview❣️

I am so happy to meet you and Toroa last weekend. I hope you are in a good and powerful energy.. so do I. Feel like a tiger. Big hug and see you soon,


Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
27 de abr. de 2024
Respondendo a

Was such a pleasure Alexandra. See you again soon.

Love Sharon


16 de jan. de 2024

Dear Sharon

Thank you so much for your support in this process...

Thanks for this liberating opportunity feeling safe within this community we created that weekend... it was wonderful to have had this work done in such a safe space.... thanks for creating this for us and with us...Sharon...

Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
28 de fev. de 2024
Respondendo a

You are welcome. 💙


28 de ago. de 2023

Mijn ervaring van generational clearing was totaal niet wat ik ervan verwachtten.

Nooit gedacht dat de trauma's van je voorouders zo een impact kunnen hebben in je eigen leven, en dat je uberhaupt contact met ze kan maken. Van hieruit begrijp je je ouders ook een stuk beter en kun je ze daadwerkelijk accepteren voor wie ze zijn als mens.

Een ervaring die niet in woorden te beschrijven is, maar die je echt zelf zal moeten ervaren.

Onder begeleiding van Eowyn heeft ze me de instructies gegeven om je erdoorheen te leiden, dankjewel voor deze mooie ervaring en uitnodiging, daar ben ik je dankbaar voor topper!

Ricardo Martins

Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
29 de ago. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thank you Ricardo for your beautiful words about this technique. Love Sharon


29 de ago. de 2023
Respondendo a

Dankjewel voor je mooie woorden en dat je het werk hebt gedaan 💜


Eowyn Currie


26 de jul. de 2023

I did the generational clearing workshop guided by Eowyn Curry in Amsterdam. I was mesmerized by the effect and energy when I tapped into my ancestors. Each mother-father line had a specific energy and topics. Seeing, feeling, experiencing and through the loving focused guidance of Eowyn so much became clear. I had never expected to “carry“ this much from my ancestors.

And I certainly never expected to find the unearthly Avalon energy in my generational line. Which then totally made sense for several reasons. The pure energy was amazing to experience and so much revealing om topics how to continue in life. It was a loving act to help clearing traumas in my generational line and paralell within myself, and to receive the purest energy and gifts. I feel lighter and confident knowing I am supported through my own ancestral guided light and energy. Thanks Eowyn for your excellent coaching. Birgit Rademakers

Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
27 de jul. de 2023
Respondendo a

Birgit thank you for your comment. Eowyn is a fantastic coach with the Generational Clearing technique it was such an honour to have you attend to become a coach.

As for the Avalon energy in your line, WELCOME HOME, this is the energy I carry and have worked with all my life and the energy I put into the technique.

Definitely, many humans don't realise they carry so much with the ancestors and how we can have a beautiful connection through the pure.

Love Sharon


Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
03 de abr. de 2023

Another beautiful email sent to me from a male participant.

Dear Sharon.

Space for universal love, rest in the body, a broad view of life,

With soft and loving eyes I look back on a wonderful workshop. Healing on the father line now, I feel true love for my father, Sharon takes you back in time. And there they stood my ancestors, what warriors they are! Now I understand where my strength comes from.

The resentment that I had for my father is completely gone. And love has replaced that. Healing has taken place, on a very deep layer thanks to that.

Insight into the mothers line I found a lot of rejection. I've never thought of the idea that rejection might come from the mother's line, thanks for that!

The soul is who you are in the beautiful meditation I was able to see what my soul actually is, love, strength, fire, infinite, me, my true self … Love Bert


Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
30 de mar. de 2023

Thank you Daphne. Love Sharon


Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
25 de mar. de 2023

Thank you dear Sharon, since I did the generational clearing. I feel like it's more quiet in my head.

Since I have a clear audience. All the ancestors were telling me all kinds of stuff and it could confuse me. Although they did it out of love.

Mostly they were warning me about things which made me live in fear instead of trust.

Ever since I met Sharon I have had a deep feeling of trust within me.

Even when my head is telling me things in a fear based manner, I listen to what my body is feeling that deep trust.

I know my true and pure energy now. I know who I am in its purest form.

Karmic bonds resolved. And what is left is me and my unique self . My mission on earth is very clear. Of Course i still have my challenges. But to have a clear mind and trust in my body makes all the difference.

As for my ancestors, Some still visit me from time to time. But now without their earthly fears. They are back in their purest form. Stepped into the new. Just like I did. And above all. They are grateful to be released. Because they were stuck and didn't realise they were.

The relationship with my father, who has passed over, is beyond words. He was possessed in life and has caused a lot of pain. But now he is my helper and I can truly say I am grateful for him. He has given life to me and given me all those lessons. I needed to learn. Also the relationship with my mom improved. I know she did all she could. And threw the generational clearing i got to meet my ancestors which she kept away because of all her pain. I can truly see something shifted in her as well.

I have completed both Level 1 and Level 2 workshops and I am now looking forward to doing level 3 and help others with this program.

Forever grateful. Thanks to my teacher and dearest friend Sharon Healey.

Love always,

Eowyn Currie

Sharon Healey
Sharon Healey
25 de mar. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thank you Eowyn for this beautiful email and allowing me to share.


25 de mar. de 2023

The generational clearing with Sharon Healey has been a transformative moment for me.

I realized how often I used to check and feel in with my ancestral line via my back and how I carried a lot of belief and emotions from them.

After the clearing I was still checking in but noticing nothing was there anymore, I felt open and light.

This feeling hasn’t stopped.

I feel more stable, uplifted and free, supported correctly now. I am no longer burdened with intruding emotions, I now have more time to do what I really want.

Sharon’s guidance is clear, thorough and to the point, having a good balance between caring and motivating mentally and emotionally.

Daphne - Netherlands

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