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Image by Annie Spratt
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Natural Order

2nd April, 2023

Natural Order is a state of being, a fundamental way of functioning. It has unfortunately been long forgotten and we’ve acquired a more romanticised vision of human existence. 


This has resulted in a loss of authenticity and guidance, but now, as we are working to bring balance back to the planet, it is time for us to realign our lives with this Natural Order and let it support us as it is intended to. The Ancient Energies of Avalon understood the balance of all in a connective energy way working within the guideline of the Natural Order, the original blueprint of our existence.


The Maori Elders state that there will be a time when the children of Tane are so distracted by fighting, greed and lust for power and so separated from our original parents, Ranginui and Papatuanuku, that we will lose our connection and understanding of the Natural Order of things.  At this time, Ranginui and Papatuanuku will take the opportunity to come back together and destroy everything in the process.


The Elders’ prophecy says that in 2012 an event called the ‘Ka hinga te aria’ will occur which translates to the ‘fall (hinga) of the curtain/veil (aria).'  The falling of the curtain will allow the world of humans and other physical entities to merge with the world of spirits and other energy forms.


Toroa through his upbringing in the Maori culture and Sharon through carrying the Avalon energies will take you on a journey through ancient stories, gently guiding you back to understand the foundations of the Natural Order


Spend the day with Toroa and Sharon, enjoy ancient knowledge shared, a day in nature. Including Lunch, tea and coffee,will be provided 


Learn to read the Tohu, signs from nature, become one with nature a, as day in the outdoors guided by Toroa and Sharon


Re-awake to the connectivity humans have with nature, bridging the separation as human beings to nature.


"Ko au te Taiao...ko te Taiao ko au"

I am Nature...Nature is me


Where: Ferryhouse,
            waalbandijk 8, 
            4064 CB Varik,
            the Netherlands

Sharon & Toroa

T and S.jpg

Time: 10:00 to 17:00
lunch, tea & coffee included


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